Spring Board.

Mile High Coil Board
For decades the Gibson ?Mile Hi? Eight-Coil Spring Board has earned a reputation of great quality at a reasonable price. The Mile Hi gets its extra punch from long-lasting, heavy-duty .25-inch chromium-plated music wire springs. The thinner 1/2″ maple top allows more flex, thus more spring. The top surface is padded with 3/8″ closed cell cross-linked foam and then the entire board is covered with high quality carpeting. The Mile Hi is engineered to last for years. Our webbing system adds greater lateral stability to the board. Rubber pads prevent marring of floor and increased traction. The 20cm (8″) eight-spring board meets all FIG, USAG, NCAA and high school specifications for men?s or women?s programs. Use all eight springs for college level programs or as few as four springs for lighter weight gymnasts.
Mile High Coil Board.
100 in stock